Environmentally Friendly Cars
In the effort to save the environment through reducing harmful emissions and consuming less non-renewable resources the automotive world is making strides in producing environmentally friendly cars.
A green car is a vehicle that uses less petrol and produces cleaner and fewer emissions.
An environmentally firendly car would run on electricity that has been obtained from solar or wind/water sources and have no emissions at all.
Although some individuals are able to produce a totally green car (Eco car) they have not been perfected in mass quantities as of yet.
Environmnetally friendly cars today consist of hybrid cars that run on both petrol and electric, electric only cars, bio fuel cars that use a percentage of fuel produced from corn or other biological sources and diesel green cars.
Each has advantages and challenges; however, all are a step in the right direction to reducing the impact humans continue to make on the planet.
Electric Cars
Electric cars are not new; they have been around since the 1800’s and were among the first vehicles ever built.
Due to the inexpensive nature of the combustible engine and the difficulties in storage batteries for electric cars the gas powered vehicle was the one to flourish.
Technology prevailed when in 1947 the invention of the point-contact transistor brought the electric vehicle to a new era.
This was still deemed too expensive and production was halted in 1961.
Concept cars continued to be developed and the controversial development of General Motors EV series that were offered to select people and celebrities brought them into full view.
These cars were then discontinued and collected from their lessees which was the subject of the movie ‘Who Killed The Electric Car’ by Chris Paine that premiered at the 2006 Sundance Film Festival.
Today there are electric cars available to the public such as the Tesla Roadster, UEV Spyder, and the Zap car.
Additionally some traditional manufacturers such as Toyota are offering electric versions of select vehicles such as the Rav 4.
The electric cars do come with a price though, they tend to be far more expensive and therefore out of the range of most drivers on the road today not to mention the limited availability.

Hybrid Cars
Over the last decade the availability of vehicles that run on both petrol and electric have become widely available and can be found in all price ranges and offer up to a combined 46 miles per gallon gas usage rating.
Compact cars to SUV’s are available in hybrid forms from most manufacturers.
This does not go without concern and controversy however...
With over a million hybrids sold in just America the road has been paved for controversy and fear. One such fear is the harm to people with pacemakers.
A board certified cardiologist has provided assurances that a person with a pacemaker can safely drive a hybrid.

You should avoid coming within inches of the engine to avoid harmful complications.
Another concern of the hybrid car is the stealth nature and danger it may pose to the seeing impaired.
The NFB is looking into a regulatory minimum sound level; however, for now hybrid car owners must pay careful attention to pedestrians.
One concern that has not been fully resolved is the electromagnetic field created and the possibility of certain cancers due to them.
Bio Fuel Cars
Bio fuel cars, also known as agro fuel are fuel derived from recently dead biological material rather than fossil fuels derived from long dead biological material such as oil and coal.
Bio fuel plants are becoming more popular throughout Europe, Asia and America as people search for more renewable sources of energy.
The most common type of bio fuel for transportation needs is from bio-alcohol or ethanol.
Sugars derived from wheat, corn and cane sugar is fermented and distilled and can be added to gasoline in any percentage; commonly found in about 15% amounts.

Bio fuel cars real environmental savings is a subject of much debate as the net energy savings after the production process is complete is relatively small.
Although it is quite possibly a step towards reducing the dependence on fossil fuels for transportation much work and research is still needed.
Diesel Green Cars
The diesel engine was originally designed to run on vegetable oil they were then adapted to run on a type of petroleum.
Diesel run cars traditionally have better fuel mileage and produce less greenhouse gasses and are commonly found throughout Europe.
Americans have poor images of diesel engines due to prior poor designs and visions of black smoke pouring from 18 wheeled rigs.
What needs to be learned; however, are the great strides being made with diesel engines and fuels including biodiesel fuels made from vegetable matter.
The cars that run these fuels are being developed and marketed.
Car manufactures such as VolksWagon, Mercedes, and even Jeep are marketing diesel and biodiesel cars to offer a greener alternative to driving.
Eco friendly cars are the future of the driving world and will become more popular as time goes on.
The impact of an environmentally friendly car will make a massive difference on how we see the future of our planet.
Always consider a Green car as you will be continuing the 'Play your part in saving the environment' millions.